Green Cambodian Maeng Da


”It’s finally arrived – Ultra Rare

After five years, we’ve finally procured a source in Cambodia and now present to you, from forests untouched by man, our new and ultra rare, Green Cambodian Maeng Da (MD).  When I opened my company, we only had five varieties to choose from.  What made my company succeed where 99% of the vendors fail among a hyper-saturated market, was the exotic strains and other extremely rare botanicals that you couldn’t get elsewhere (and best service), and that’s what you’re getting here, a plant with a mix of over 30 different alkaloids that one cannot obtain elsewhere.  The alkaloid profile for this plant is unique according to my source, it contains more mitraphylline and isomitraphlline, making it more relaxing on the muscles and in theory, possibly positively affecting the immune system as these chemicals may play a role in the immune system.  I encourage our customers to do their own research on these chemicals, while I cannot say with certainty, I do find that since Kratom came into my life, I’m sick only a fraction the amount of time the decade before I found Kratom.  Regarding this strain, mostly, it contains more paynantheine, making up over 10% of the alkaloids in it’s profile, which is a smooth muscle relaxer.

We have been able to obtain Red Cambodian for half a decade, but the green vein has been difficult to obtain because it’s from a less mature plant, and I’ve been told that the trees that can be found there are typically older.  Now, take into consideration how rare this strain is and you will see what a gym it truly is.

This extremely rare strain has a different feel, being relaxing, yet energizing at the same time!  It is perfect for those who have depression and anxiety; for those with ADHD/ADD, being smooth and balanced it produces a well rounded effect that would be described as “an enhanced sense of well-being” and could be considered a “social vitamin” for those who are deficient due to the aforementioned issues.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in
How Many Grams?

50 Grams, 100 Grams, 250 Grams, 500 Grams, 1 Kilogram