Capsules Super-Mature Red Kapuas Hulu




Size: -00- Double Ought (500 mg – that is half a gram).

Energy: 3

Mood: 9

Pain Relief: 9

Stimulation: 5

Sedation: 5

Anxiety Relief: 10

Our Sleepiest, Most Relaxing Strain In History

Real, authentic Malaysian Kratom is almost impossible to find.  Therefore, this endeavor took a lot of work.  I believe some of the Indonesians sell their Indonesian Kratom with the word “Malaysian” on it when in fact, it’s probably not from Malaysia.  This is because it’s illegal to harvest and sell Kratom there, so how would you legally declare it at customs there?  You can’t, which is why it’s important to wonder if your source is TRUE Malaysian (95% of Kratom comes from Indonesia and it’s marketed as Malaysian, but it’s really not).

Now, you may be wondering, what is so different with this Kratom?  Why should you NOT pass up this opportunity?  Simply because in my six years of being open for business (on the 4th it’s four years), I’ve never carried a more sleepy, relaxing strain.  It’s profoundly effective at relaxation.  I can’t take it before work, I only take it at bedtime.  It’s incredible!

If you’re in the neighborhood to try something new, try this Kratom out.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
How Many Capsules?

100 Capsules, 500 Capsules, 1000 Capsules, 2000 Capsules