Indonesian Green “Com” Horned Leaf (Harvested From a Small Village)


Originally, this was an Indonesian variety that was given to us as a sample.  We liked it so much, that we sourced for more!  It’s a Green and it’s harvested by a small village in the Island of Borneo.  The Indonesians call it “Com Horn”.

Secret Indonesian source states:  ” I find it on an island surrounded by the river, in Borneo in fact that most of the red veins, little white and green veins.  <What I think he is trying to say, is that the island of Borneo is mostly Reds, and white and green are not common at all there, so coming across REAL Greens from Borneo, is very, very rare.  You may see them for sale, but that doesn’t mean they’re truly from there.> Secret Indonesian source claims:  “…and the type is not too <acrid> but has a very good reaction and power.”

I had to source this specially.  Enjoy!

Additional information

Weight N/A
How Many Grams?

50 Grams, 100 grams, 500 grams, 1000 grams