The first thing you might think to yourself, is why the price is more for the crushed leaf. The crushed leaf is a little more because it cost more to transport it to me, and a lot longer to package it up to send to my customers. The boxes are more expensive to ship internationally because the air space between the particles of crushed leaf, increases the size of the overall package by at least 100%. This extra space means the package is larger, even though it’s just air, and therefore cost more to ship.
Crushed Leaf will retain it’s odor a lot longer than finely milled products. The crushed leaf can last years. I have a pouch from three years ago and it still has a strong scent.
This is the exact same thing as the famous Green Raiu i we typically sell, the only difference is the texture, as this is akin to a chopped leaf, and is not milled.
This Green Raiu is a new comer. It is harvested in and around the central part of Raiu. This product is harvested in the deep jungle, where most people have a hard time getting too, and most of the leaves are very mature because of the lack of previous harvesting. The area is relatively untouched by mankind for the most part, and the trees are still ripe of the taking. This product is excellent. I have tested it, and all samples came back with a 100% rating from all parties.